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Post-Acute Brain Injury Outcomes

Post-Acute Brain Injury Outcomes

Tejas Post-Acute Brain Injury Program Outcomes

93% of our patients discharge home and return to the community.

How does Tejas measure outcomes?

Tejas uses the The Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory Version 4 (MPAI-4) to measure post-acute functional outcomes.

What is the MPAI-4?

The MPAI-4 was designed:

  • to assist in the clinical e valuation of people during the post-acute (post-acute hospital or post- acute rehabilitation hospital) period following brain injury
  • to assist in the evaluation of rehabilitation programs ? to better understand the long-term outcomes of brain injury

MPAI-4 items:

  • Represents the range of physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social problems
    that people may encounter after brain injury.
  • Provides an assessment of major obstacles to community integration, which may result directly from brain injury as well as problems in the social and physical environment.
  • Provides documentation of progress and of the efficacy and appropriateness of the intervention.
  • Helps to answer questions about the future of those who are newly injured, and their long-term medical, social and economic needs.

Currently the MPAI is employed by a number of provider groups, including Tejas to evaluate
the effectiveness of the range of post-acute rehabilitation interventions through admission to discharge.

On average, our patients decreased one severity level on the MPAI-4 scale from admission to discharge.

Average Admission T-score = 52.7
This means that on admission our patients on average are considered to have moderate to
severe range of overall severity compared to other people with an acquired brain injury.

Average Discharge T-score = 43.4
This means that at discharge our patients on average are considered mild to moderate range
of overall severity compared to other people with acquired brain injury.

This reduced score equates to a decrease in disability and an increase in independence.

The Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID) is considered to be 5. It means that any change score of 5 or more is considered to make a significant difference clinically.

Average Change Score or Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID) from admission to discharge at our Post-Acute Brain Injury Program = 9.67

*All data from facility average from 2022-2023 to date and from discharge data from 2022-2023 to date.

References: http://www.tbims.org/mpai/manual.

CARF Accredited-Adult Residential Rehabilitation Program